System Definition

Generating the system specification

System Definition is where goals are defined for the various disciplines.

After viewing the customer requirement specifications, according to Tier 1 or OEM and the internal requirement specifications, the risk list and risk assessment and the harmonized requirements, the respective project-specific system requirements are added.

The individual customer requirements are either addressed at the system level, then refined and handed over to the domains, or they are handed over from the system level directly to the domains, depending on the degree of detail.


The system approach is based on the principle that the whole is more than the sum of its parts.
Mechatronic systems cannot simply be assembled from hardware, mechanics and software developed in isolation.
Having an eye on the whole – on the entire system – is essential from the start to ensure that an overall optimum is achieved in development.

In this phase of product development, the goals are defined for the various disciplines. The functions defined and specified by the customer are complemented during system development by the technical and functional requirements of the system.

If for instance the customer expects some functions to be controllable via an app on a smartphone, the system must include a mobile interface.

So while the customer usually defines the functional output of a system, the task of system development is to define its technical contents. However, the concrete technical implementation is still an open issue.

The task of system architecture is to describe what the concrete technical implementation of the system requirements might look like, for instance what functions should be implemented in the hardware or in the software. This leads to different interfaces between the functional blocs.

The different architectures are then subjected to a comprehensive evaluation before the optimal system architecture is selected. This architecture, together with the system specifications and the corresponding interface specifications, forms the starting point and the basis for the hardware, software and mechanics development.

System Definition Elektronik - Melecs


The creation of the system architecture and the composation of the interfaces occur simultaneously. There is a constant interplay between architecture and interfaces. First the system architecture is defined using hierarchical blocs of the individual A components.

As the architecture is drawn up, the interfaces are continuously refined. The final state is a complete Boundary Diagram with all A components as well as electrical, mechanical, thermal, magnetic etc. interfaces.


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