Safety Management
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Safety Management
The number of control units has been increasing for years, especially in cars, thereby increasing the complexity of the systems.
Melecs’ developments conform to customer demands for systems that are more comfortable and safer to use.
A Safety Management that is independent of the development ensures, from the very start of the development, that normative requirements such as those in ISO26262 or IEC 61508 and the state of the art in science and technology are taken into account. The use of qualitative and quantitative analyses allows errors to be recognized early on.
Our Safety Management follows the philosophy of an open safety culture.
This empowers our employees to point out potential sources of errors early on and to work on solutions that make our products safer.
We also follow this approach in our collaboration with our customers.

At the start of the project, the safety manager coordinates the safety concept with the customer and draws up a safety plan that records what methods and analyses (e.g. qualitative and quantitative) will be applied and what documents are required as evidence. When the development of safety-relevant electronics is completed, a comprehensive proof of safety (Safety Case) is carried out to demonstrate the safety of our products.
Quality Assurance
At Melecs, we distinguish between three different quality levels: product quality, quality of the work results and process quality.
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