Melecs among Top 500

The Austrian magazine Trend publishes the country’s top companies every year. We are delighted that Melecs EWS GmbH is one of Austria’s TOP 250 companies, ranking 243rd.

Schaeffler award for Melecs

In Herzogenaurach, 23 suppliers were honored with the Schaeffler Supplier Awards for outstanding performance – one of the proud winners was Melecs.

Melecs USA CTI Symposium

Melecs cti symposium 2023

Melecs USA at CTI Symposium Melecs USA at the CTI Symposium May, 24-25, Novi/Michigan. Our colleagues from Melecs USA were at the CTI SYMPOSIUM – Automotive Technology & Mobility , the expert summit for a sustainable future mobility. CEO Adrian Sargeant and his colleagues Hariish N. and Khaya Manasher informed the visitors about our competences […]

Melecs for the first time in the top 10 of the European EMS manufacturers

Marktbericht von in4ma_Top 25 EMS Hersteller aus Europa 2023

Melecs for the first time in the top 10 of the European EMS manufacturers We are very happy to announce that Melecs is for the first time in the top 10 of the European EMS market according to the market report of in4ma! We would like to thank all our employees, without whose daily efforts […]

Melecs USA Christmas Donation

Melecs USA Christmas Donation Melecs Christmas Donation Melecs USA has been in the Christmas spirit! We have donated two laundry baskets of household items to a local non-profit organization. These baskets are given to families to help off-set the costs of basic needs for the home. Many times the cost of cleaning supplies and paper […]

How can a new product simplify maintenance and reduce costs?

Produktneuheit Wartung - Melecs

How can a new product simplify maintenance and reduce costs? PCB development for improved maintenance and cost savings Based on this starting point, our customer requested us to develop an electronic control unit for a lifting and dropping system with synchronous and group operation that is controlled at the push of a button via an […]